The Cambridge University United Nations Association organises and hosts two international conferences each year, the prestigious and well-known Cambridge University International Model United Nations (CUIMUN), and the Cambridge University Model United Nations High School (CUIMUN HS) for High School students.
As the leading organisation for MUN debate at Cambridge, CUUNA hosts two international conferences every year:
CUIMUN - Established in 1994 and one of the most established, historic and prestigious Conferences on the European, and indeed global, MUN circuit - it is held every year in November.
CUIMUN HS - Established in 2015 and is organised by students from the University of Cambridge for High School students - it is held every year in September.
Every year at the CUUNA Annual General Meeting, members elect students of the University of Cambridge as Secretary and Deputy Secretary General for the next year's CUIMUN & CUIMUN HS conferences. With the help of CUUNA, the Secretary Generals then establish and organise a Secretariat to manage the organisation of their respective conferences, and often employ the help of other Cambridge students and CUUNA members, as well as students from other universities worldwide, for this challenging, but immensely rewarding task.
Throughout the year, several students and CUUNA members also attend various international MUN conferences, such as HarvardMUN, OXIMUN & WorldMUN, which are known as some of the most prestigious and challenging conferences of the global Model UN circuit. These are all great opportunities to hone your debating and negotiation skills, introducing delegates to international issues facing our world today and being able to view them from the viewpoints of countries all around the world, whilst working together to form solutions to them.
If you want to be part of the Cambridge University CUUNA delegation heading to some of these Model UN conferences, we recommend you come to our weekly debate and speaker events, to meet other like-minded members who may also be attending an external MUN conference. We will also be able to advise you on what committees/positions and conferences to apply and go to, as well as helping with accomodation, transport and anything else you may require as part of the Cambridge Delegation. These conferences are a great way to form new contacts in the world of MUN and international diplomacy, and can be a very rewarding experience.

For any enquiries about joining the Cambridge CUUNA delegation for CUIMUN or external Model UN conferences, please email:
For any enquiries about sponsorship or financial affairs please email:
president@cuuna.org or treasurer@cuuna.org
For any enquiries about Model UN conferences, please email:
conferences@cuuna.org (for general enquiries about MUN conferences)
cuimun.secretarygeneral@gmail.com (for enquiries about CUIMUN)
secretariat@cuimunhs.org (for equiries about CUIMUN HS)
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: