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(1) The name of the Society shall be Cambridge University United Nations Association or CUUNA, hereafter referred to as “the Society”. 


(2) The objective of the Society shall be to promote the spirit of international cooperation and a greater understanding of the role, functions, and potential of the United Nations, its agencies, and its Charter. 





(1) Membership of the Society is open to all members of the University of Cambridge, as defined by the  Statutes and Ordinances of the University. Membership of the Society shall be granted on receipt of the membership fee, which shall be determined by a membership policy issued by the Executive Committee of the Society. 


(2) Members shall be afforded the following rights: 

(a) the right to vote in General Meetings; 

(b) the right to stand as any Officer of the Society, subject to any additional constitutional  requirements on their candidacy; 

(c) any other such rights and privileges as are afforded by a Society membership policy. 


(3) Membership details shall be stored in a membership registry. This shall contain the member’s name, their  College, their date of acquiring membership, their Membership Number, and any disciplinary action taken against them under s.5(1-8). 


(4) The Executive Committee of the Society may grant Honorary Membership of the Society to any person and the General Secretary shall be responsible for recording their membership in a special register. Honorary  Members shall possess the normal rights of Society membership, with the exception of the right to vote in  General Meetings or stand as an Officer of the Society.  


(5) The Executive Committee may expel any member in accordance with s.5(1-8), which will remove all rights and privileges afforded by membership. 





(1) The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each academic year in Cambridge during the second half of Lent Full Term. At least fourteen days’ written notice shall be given to members before the  AGM. The AGM shall have the power to: 

(a) Approve the minutes of the last General Meeting (GM); 

(b) Select a Returning Officer for the Committee elections; 

(c) Discuss and vote on constitutional amendments and any other motions as necessary;

(d) Conduct any business as necessary; 

(e) Elect the Committee for the year ahead, in accordance with the election procedures in s.6.


(2) An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be held at any time during Full Term with notice given to  the General Secretary: 

(a) A notice must state the purpose for which the EGM is called; 

(b) A notice may be given at the request of a majority of the Executive Committee, or at the written  request of no fewer than twenty-five members to the General Secretary; 

(c) The General Secretary must organise the EGM within fourteen days of the notice being received;

(d) The Society's members shall be informed at least seven days before an EGM is held;

(e) An EGM shall have the same powers as an AGM, but shall only discuss the matter for which the meeting was called. 


(3) All members of the Society shall have the right to vote, speak, and propose motions at a General Meeting. 


(4) General Meetings shall be chaired by the President, or in their absence, the General Secretary, or, in the absence of both, the Junior Treasurer. If all three are absent, the members present may elect a Chair for that meeting. The only exception shall be at an EGM called through the notice of the Society’s members, which may elect a Chair as the first order of business.  


(5) The quorum for a General Meeting shall be fifteen members. The General Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring a written record of every General Meeting shall be kept. 


(6) The constitution of the Society may only be amended by a two-thirds majority of members present at a  General Meeting: 

(a) Proposed amendments to the constitution must be communicated to the General Secretary no  fewer than twenty-four hours before the commencement of a General Meeting, and must be  circulated to the Society’s membership by the General Secretary no fewer than three hours before the  General Meeting; 

(b) Amendments in violation of s.3(6)(a) may be entertained with the approval of the Chair and a  simple majority of all present members. 





(1) The management of the Society shall be conducted by the Executive Committee (hereafter referred to as  “the Committee”), which shall include the following posts (known as “Officers”): 

(a) The President; 

(b) The General Secretary; 

(c) The Junior Treasurer; 

(d) The Secretary General of CUIMUN and Chair of the CUIMUN subcommittee; 

(e) The Secretary General of CUIMUN-HS and Chair of the CUIMUN-HS subcommittee;

(f) The Chair of the External Relations Committee (ERC); 

(g) Two Debates and Conferences Officers; 

(h) The Speakers’ Officer; 

(i) The Outreach Officer; 

(j) The Project Management Officer; 

(k) The Publicity Officer; 

(l) The Social Events Officer; 

(m) The Deputy Secretary General of CUIMUN; 

(n) The Deputy Secretary General of CUIMUN-HS. 


(2) Officers must be current students at the University of Cambridge and shall normally be elected at the  AGM. One member may hold up to two posts on the Committee. 


(3) Each post shall have one vote in the Committee, with the exception of two Debates and Conferences  Officers, who shall have one vote each. Normally, the total number of votes in the Committee shall be fifteen. If a member occupies two posts on the Committee, they shall have the voting power of one post and the total number of votes in the Committee shall be one fewer. 


(4) All posts shall normally be occupied by one member. If two members wish to share a post, they may stand together as a single candidate at an AGM and, if elected, become co-Officers. Two members occupying one post will share one vote in the Committee; if they disagree on a matter put to a vote before the Committee,  their vote will be counted as an abstention. 


(5) In addition there shall be a Senior Treasurer, who shall be a member of the Regent House, or other person approved by the Junior Proctor. The Senior Treasurer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be ex officio a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. 


Regular Meetings of the Committee 


(6) The President shall call Regular Meetings of the Committee at least twice a term to conduct the ordinary business of the Society. Regular Meetings shall normally be chaired by the President; if the President is absent, they may nominate another Officer to chair the meeting.  


(7) Regular Meetings require a quorum of half the total number of Officers and the President, the General  Secretary, or the Junior Treasurer must be present. 


(8) The General Secretary shall be responsible for keeping written records of every meeting of the  Committee. 


(9) The Committee shall have the power to do the following at a Regular Meeting by a simple majority vote:

(a) Approve the Termly Budget; 

(b) Pass, repeal, or amend Policy Documents; 

(c) Make any substantive decisions necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Society, unless the  decision is unconstitutional; 

(d) Decide any changes to membership fees; 

(e) Establish or disband a temporary subcommittee; 

(f) Approve proposals for projects submitted by the External Relations Committee.


(10) In the event of a tie in a vote of the Committee, the Chair shall have the deciding vote.


Policy Documents 


(11) All members should follow Policy Documents, which may include: 

(a) Best practices; 

(b) Officer and Subcommittee Handbooks (including the ERC Handbook); 

(c) Welfare policies; 

(d) Membership policies; 

(e) Directives that outline the strategic aims of the Society; 

(f) Any other relevant issue. 


(12) The Society must have, at all times, an active welfare document, an active financial best practice document, an active code of conduct, an active membership policy, and an active ERC Handbook. If any of the above Policy Documents are repealed, the Committee must replace them before the end of the meeting. 


(13) Once a Policy Document has been passed by the Committee, it remains active until repealed by the  Committee. Before the second week of Michaelmas Term each year, all existing Policy Documents must be reviewed and voted on to remain active. 


(14) The General Secretary shall ensure that all active Policy Documents are available on the Society website.





(1) The only disciplinary actions the Society may take shall be to: 

(a) Expel or suspend a member or Officer whose actions are felt to bring the Society into disrepute  or to adversely affect the smooth running of the Society in a significant manner; 

(b) Remove an Officer from their post if their behaviour is felt to be unconstitutional or to amount to significant misconduct or negligence in relation to the responsibilities of their role. 


(2) To take any disciplinary action, an Emergency Meeting of the Committee must be called. An Emergency  Meeting: 

(a) may not take any decisions beyond suspending or expelling a member or removing an Officer.

(b) may only be called by the request of three members of the Committee (communicated to the rest of the Committee) and should be arranged for the earliest convenient opportunity. 


(3) The Chair of an Emergency Meeting shall normally be the President. If, however, the President is perceived to have a potential conflict of interest in the matters discussed, they must recuse themselves. The role of Chair must then fall to another Officer, who is perceived to not have a conflict of interest, with the following order of precedence: the General Secretary; the Junior Treasurer; or the Officer with the earliest date of society membership without a conflict of interest.  


(4) A successful motion to expel, suspend, or remove requires a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of votes in the Committee, whether or not any Officers are absent. For example, if the total number of votes in the Committee is fifteen, then passing a motion at an Emergency Meeting would require at least ten votes. If a post is vacant, it shall not count towards the total number of votes in the Committee. 


(5) A successful motion to expel a member shall immediately and permanently strip them of their membership rights and privileges and they shall no longer be a member of the Society. If the member is an  Officer, they will be removed from the post. Members expelled from the Society will have their expulsion recorded in their entry in the membership register by the General Secretary. Expelled members must not attend any future Society events or attempt to re-join the Society, unless the motion to expel the member is repealed according to s.5(8). 


(6) A successful motion to suspend a member shall include the length of time for which the suspension applies. A suspended member will be regarded as an expelled member for this period of time and must resign any post they hold within the Society. The suspension shall be noted in the Member’s registry entry by the  General Secretary. After the elapse of the period of time specified, the member will have their membership rights reinstated, but may not take up their former post unless the Committee chooses to reappoint them in the process specified in s.5(8). 


(7) A successful motion for removal shall strip the Officer of their position in the Society and bar them for holding office at any future date. This must be marked in the membership registry by the General Secretary.  They shall retain their membership and all other privileges associated with it. 


(8) Any motion to expel, suspend, or remove may be repealed by a two-thirds majority of the total number of votes in the Committee at a Regular Meeting. This shall be recorded in the entry in the membership register by the General Secretary. 


(9) Full minutes of an Emergency Meeting must be kept and submitted to the Senior Treasurer within twenty four hours. 


(10) Any member, including Officers, may appeal any outcome of an Emergency Meeting to the Senior  Treasurer and the Senior Treasurer has the right to make the final decision about any disciplinary action. 


(11) If a member, including an Officer, is investigated by an external body, such as the University of  Cambridge, for misconduct related to the Society, the Senior Treasurer may suspend the member for the duration of the investigation. 





(1) An Officer may resign their post by submitting their resignation in writing to the General Secretary or the  President. 


(2) If the President resigns or is removed, the General Secretary must call an EGM to elect a new President and fill any other vacant positions on the Committee within two weeks. Until the EGM, the General  Secretary shall become Acting President and assume the power and responsibilities of the President.


(3) If any post, other than the President, should become vacant, the Committee may appoint a new Officer to fill the post by a simple majority vote at a Regular Meeting.  


(4) If the positions of President, General Secretary, and Treasurer are all vacant, the Officer with the earliest date of membership in the Society shall assume the role of Acting President in order to fulfill the requirements of s.6(2). 





(1) Before electing Officers, the GM shall select two Returning Officers, who must be members of the  Society not running for election to the Committee. Members may nominate themselves for the role, and must be approved by a simple majority of the present members. If four successive members are rejected, or no-one nominates themselves, the Chair may select a member of the GM, with priority being given to outgoing officers of the Society. 


(2) Members may propose themselves as a candidate for election to any post at a General Meeting, provided they fulfil any constitutional requirements. They shall have the opportunity to present speeches at the GM  and to answer questions from the attending members. 


(3) Re-Open Nominations (RON) shall be a candidate in all elections. 


(4) Voting shall be by secret ballot and if there are more than two candidates besides RON for a post, voting shall be by Single Transferable Vote. Votes shall be counted by the Returning Officer. 


(5) In the event that fewer candidates are elected than posts offered, the GM may pass a motion to call an  EGM for a second election within two weeks. If this fails, the Committee shall fill the vacant post at the earliest opportunity, in accordance with s.6(3). 





(1) The Society may establish subcommittees to organise specified activities or business on the Society’s behalf, through an appropriate constitutional amendment at an AGM. Each subcommittee must have its own annex to the constitution that lays out its mandate and organisation. 


(2) Subcommittees shall be supervised by the Committee. The Junior Treasurer shall oversee the financial arrangements of each subcommittee. 


(3) The Chair of a subcommittee must be elected at an AGM and shall be a voting member of the Committee of the Society. 


(4) The current subcommittees are: 

(a) the CUIMUN Committee (Annex B); 

(b) the CUIMUN-HS Committee (Annex C); 

(c) the External Relations Committee (Annex D). 


(5) The Committee can establish or dissolve a temporary sub-committee at any point, which may exist until the next AGM, at which point it will automatically disband unless it is added to the list of current subcommittees through the procedure in s.8(1). The Chair of a temporary sub-committee shall be an existing member of the Committee. 





(1) The Society shall maintain a banking account(s) with a suitable Bank or Building Society to hold the  Society’s funds. At least two society Officers, one of whom must be the Junior Treasurer, must be on the mandate of each of the Society’s accounts. The addition of any further persons to the mandate of an account must be unanimously approved by the President, Junior Treasurer, and General Secretary. 


(2) It shall be the responsibility of the Junior Treasurer to ensure that monies received are properly accounted for, and that the Society’s financial records are kept in good order. In particular, the Junior Treasurer shall ensure continuity of Cambridge resident signatories for any bank accounts held by the Society, and shall prepare the accounts for the annual re-registration with the Proctor’s Office. 


(3) The Senior Treasurer shall make arrangements for the Society’s accounts to be properly audited, either by themselves, or by some other person approved under University Ordinances. 


(4) The Senior Treasurer shall not be liable for any financial debt or other obligation of the Society unless they have personally authorised such a debt in writing. 


(5) The Committee shall meet before the start of every term to authorise a termly budget, which shall be in  effect from the second day of term to the first day of the following term: 

(a) The termly budget shall set out how much the Society may spend on their agreed objectives for  the present term; 

(b) The Junior Treasurer may approve one-off expenses up to £100 outside of this budget, up to a  limit of £500 per term; 

(c) If an unexpected expense arises that exceeds £100, or the Junior Treasurer wishes to approve additional, non-budgeted expenses beyond a total of £500 in any one term, this must be authorised by a simple majority vote of the Committee. 


(6) For contracts entered into by members of the Society and the Secretariats of CUIMUN and CUIMUN HS, the Society guarantees the fulfillment of such contracts from monies held in the Society name. Before entering into any such contract or arrangement, members should establish that they have the proper authority to do so and that they are authorised to do so by the Committee. Members of the Society are never expected to be liable for such contracts or agreements, that are undertaken in the Society name, in any instance in which a  claim is made against them, provided that the contract or agreement was entered into by a proper exercise of their duties, as authorised by the Committee.


(7) A Finance Meeting, chaired by the Junior Treasurer, must be held at least once per term to review the current financial arrangements of the Society. The Junior Treasurer may request the presence of any relevant member of the Society at a Finance Meeting. 


(8) The Society’s funds shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its objective. Reimbursements for expenses incurred on Society business must be properly approved by the Committee. 


(9) For so long as the Society shall be Registered with the Junior Proctor, it shall be the duty of the Executive  Committee to ensure that the Society complies with the requirements for Registration as a University Society.





(1) The Society shall have two Welfare Representatives appointed by the Committee. Any member of the  Society is eligible to be a Welfare Representative. 


(2) The Welfare Representatives may: 

(a) Act as a primary point of contact for complaints about any form of harassment, bullying,  discrimination, sexual misconduct, or any other welfare issue; 

(b) Act as an advocate for any member of the Society in welfare related issues, including by making recommendations to the President or the Committee. 


(3) Complaints about the behaviour of any member, no matter their position in the Society, may be directed to a Welfare Representative, the President, the Senior Treasurer, any committee member, or to the University of Cambridge Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals. Complaints shall be dealt with according to the active Policy Document relating to Welfare. 





(1) The Society may be dissolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting, provided that at least twenty-one days’ clear and prominent notice of the intention to dissolve the Society has been communicated to the members.  At least two thirds of those present and voting at the EGM must vote in favour of the motion for  Dissolution for it to be effective. The Senior Treasurer must give their written agreement for the Society to be dissolved.  


(2) The Senior Treasurer shall oversee the dissolution of the Society and the management of any related assets. Assets remaining after all liabilities have been met may only be transferred either to another Registered  University Society or to charities furthering the objectives of the Society.







(1) The President shall: 

(a) Provide leadership and support to the Officers in conducting Society business; 

(b) Ensure that the Society complies with the requirements for registration as a University Society as  long as the Society shall be registered with the office of the Junior Proctor; 

(c) Call and, if possible, chair Regular Meetings of the Committee at least twice a term. 


(2) The General Secretary shall: 

(a) Oversee the general administration and smooth running of the Society, including taking the  minutes of all meetings, maintain the Society's records, organising the term card, and producing  progress reports; 

(b) Be responsible for overseeing the work of Society Officers and supporting them in their roles;

(c) Support the President and take on the responsibilities of the President in their absence, unless directed otherwise. 


(3) The Junior Treasurer shall: 

(a) Oversee the financial arrangements of the Society, including managing the Society’s funds and  assets; 

(b) Be responsible for creating a termly budget to be approved by the Committee; 

(c) Be responsible for reimbursing members for any properly authorised Society related expenses;

(d) Chair a Finance Meeting at least once a term; 

(e) Ensure that the Society and its Officers are adequately insured; 

(f) Support the President and take on the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the  President and the General Secretary. 


(4) The Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of CUIMUN shall undertake the responsibilities outlined in Annex B. 


(5) The Secretary General and Deputy Secretary of CUIMUN-HS shall undertake the responsibilities outlined in Annex C. 


(6) The Chair of the ERC shall undertake the responsibilities outlined in Annex D. 


(7) The Debates and Conferences Officers shall be two individuals, elected separately, who are responsible for organising weekly debates and coordinating CUUNA’s delegations to external MUN conferences. One of the two positions is reserved for candidates who have prior experience of university level MUN. They shall each have one vote on the Committee. 


(8) The Outreach Officer shall be a member of the ERC Outreach Department and undertake the  responsibilities outlined in Annex D. In addition, they shall: 

(a) Facilitate communication between the ERC Outreach Department and the Committee;

(b) Oversee the work of the ERC Outreach Department and communicate progress to the  Committee; 

(c) Serve as Head Delegate of CUUNA to the UNA-YP, unless agreed otherwise by the Committee;

(d) Perform any other duties which the Committee considers related to Outreach. 


(9) The Project Management Officer shall be a member of the ERC Project Management Department and  undertake the responsibilities outlined in Annex D. In addition, they shall: 

(a) Facilitate communication between the ERC Project Management Department and the  Committee; 

(b) Oversee the work of the ERC Project Management Department and communicate progress to  the Committee; 

(c) Along with the Junior Treasurer, oversee the financial requirements of ERC projects;

(d) Perform any other duties which the Committee considers related to Project Management. 


(10) The Publicity Officer shall be responsible for communication with Society members and the university,  promoting the Society and its events and opportunities, authorising publicity for any subcommittee, and the recruitment of new members. 


(11) The Social Events Officer shall be responsible for organising social events for members of the Society.


(12) The Speakers Officer shall be responsible for organising speakers and careers events for the Society.






(1) The CUIMUN Committee shall be a subcommittee with the mandate to organise a conference each year called Cambridge University International Model United Nations (CUIMUN) for university students to engage in diplomatic simulations. 


(2) The Chair of the subcommittee shall be the Secretary General (SG). The Secretary General shall be  responsible for: 

(a) the smooth running of the CUIMUN conference; 

(b) ensuring that CUIMUN is adequately insured and, as far as they are aware, in compliance with all laws of the United Kingdom, including around the provision of alcohol at social events;

(c) regularly communicating with the Committee about the progress of the conference. 


(3) The subcommittee shall also include a Deputy Secretary General (DSG), who shall be responsible for:

(a) supporting the work of the SG, and taking on the work of the SG in their absence;

(b) regularly communicating with the Committee about the progress of the conference. 


(4) The SG and the DSG shall be elected at an AGM. 

(a) In the year of their election, they shall hold the position of SG-Elect and DSG-Elect respectively,  and shall shadow those appointed the year before in the run-up and for the duration of that year’s  conference. 

(b) The SG-Elect and the DSG-Elect shall take up their positions as SG and DSG at noon on the first Monday following the closing ceremony of that year’s CUIMUN. 

(c) The SG-Elect and the DSG-Elect shall sit on the Committee but shall not receive a vote until they officially take up their position as SG and DSG. 


(5) The SG and the DSG may appoint any number of Under Secretaries General to assist in the running of  CUIMUN, which shall make up the CUIMUN Secretariat. The President may attend any meeting of the  CUIMUN Secretariat. 


(6) The SG and the DSG may together make decisions of the Secretariat. 


(7) If the SG and the DSG disagree on an issue, the matter must be resolved by a vote of the Under  Secretaries General or brought to the Executive Committee. 


(8) The SG and the DSG shall periodically report on the process of organising the conference to the other members of the Committee and answer any questions they have. The SG or the DSG must attend the  Society's Finance meetings unless prevented by exceptional circumstances. 


(9) The Committee may, by a two-thirds majority vote, overrule a decision of the Secretariat.





(1) The CUIMUN-HS Committee shall be a subcommittee with the mandate to organise a conference each year called Cambridge University International Model United Nations High School (CUIMUN-HS) for secondary school students to engage in diplomatic simulations. 


(2) The Chair of the subcommittee shall be the Secretary General (SG). The Secretary General shall be  responsible for: 

(a) the smooth running of the CUIMUN-HS conference; 

(b) ensuring that CUIMUN-HS is adequately insured and, as far as they are aware, in compliance with all laws of the United Kingdom, including appropriate safeguarding measures;

(c) regularly communicating with the Committee about the progress of the conference. 


(3) The subcommittee shall also include a Deputy Secretary General (DSG), who shall be responsible for:

(a) supporting the work of the SG, and taking on the work of the SG in their absence;

(b) regularly communicating with the Committee about the progress of the conference.  


(4) The SG and the DSG shall be elected at an AGM. 

(a) In the year of their election, they shall hold the position of SG-Elect and DSG-Elect respectively and shall shadow those appointed the year before in the run-up and for the duration of that year’s conference. 

(b) The SG-Elect and the DSG-Elect shall take up their positions as SG and DSG at noon on the first Monday following the closing ceremony of that year’s CUIMUN. 

(c) The SG-Elect and the DSG-Elect shall sit on the Committee but shall not receive a vote until they officially take up their position as SG and DSG. 


(5) The SG and the DSG may appoint any number of Under Secretaries General to assist in the running of  CUIMUN-HS, which shall make up the CUIMUN-HS Secretariat. The President may attend any meeting of the CUIMUN-HS Secretariat. 


(6) The SG and the DSG may together make decisions of the Secretariat. 


(7) If the SG and the DSG disagree on an issue, the matter must be resolved by a vote of the Under  Secretaries General or brought to the Executive Committee. 


(8) The SG and the DSG shall periodically report on the process of organising the conference to the other members of the Executive Committee and answer any questions they have. The SG or the DSG must attend the Society's Finance meetings, unless prevented by exceptional circumstances. 


(9) The Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds majority vote, overrule a decision of the Secretariat.





(1) The External Relations Committee (ERC) shall be a subcommittee with the mandate to:

(a) Establish, organise, and oversee projects that further the objective of the Society;

(b) Engage with external groups and organisations that share the objective of the Society. 


(2) The ERC shall have an ERC Secretariat, made up of a Chair of the subcommittee, a Project Management department, and an Outreach department. Additionally, there will be a Project Management Officer and an  Outreach Officer who will both be members of the Committee. 


(3) The Chair of the ERC shall normally be elected at an AGM and shall be a voting member of the  Committee. In addition to undertaking the responsibilities outlined in Annex A, they shall:

(a) Be responsible for the organisation and administration of the ERC, including arranging meetings of the ERC Secretariat. Meetings of the ERC Secretariat shall require a quorum of 40% of the  members of the Secretariat; 

(b) Regularly report the activities and progress of the ERC to the Committee; 

(c) Work alongside the Project Management department and the Junior Treasurer to manage the  finances of the ERC and its projects; 

(d) Work alongside the Publicity Officer to promote and publicise the work of the ERC, including regular newsletters. 


(4) The Project Management Officer shall normally be elected at an AGM and shall be a voting member of the Committee. In addition to undertaking the responsibilities outlined in Annex A, they shall:

(a) Be part of the Project Management department and work alongside other members of the  department to facilitate projects organised by the ERC; 

(b) Oversee the work of the Project Management department and frequently report the activities and  progress of all projects to the Committee; 

(c) Work alongside the Junior Treasurer, the Chair of the ERC, and project leaders to meet the financial needs of every project. 


(5) The Outreach Officer shall normally be elected at an AGM and shall be a voting member of the  Committee. In addition to undertaking the responsibilities outlined in Annex A, they shall:

(a) Be part of the Outreach department and work alongside other members of the department to  build relationships with external groups and organisations that share the objective of Society;

(b) Oversee the work of the Outreach department and frequently report its activities and progress to  the Committee; 

(c) Work with the President and other members of the Committee to build relationships with relevant individuals and organisations, including, among other things, by issuing invitations to Society events, accepting invitations to external events and conferences, or arranging meetings with relevant individuals and organisations. 


(6) The Chair of the ERC, the Project Management Officer, and the Outreach Officer may appoint any number of members of the ERC Secretariat to be part of the Project Management department or the  Outreach department, or to help with the administration of the subcommittee. Members of the ERC  Secretariat must be members of the Society.


(7) The ERC may establish, undertake, and terminate projects authorised by the Society (hereafter referred to as “an ERC Project”) that work towards the objective of the Society. An ERC Project shall:

(a) Have a specific, relevant, achievable, and financially viable goal; 

(b) Be proposed and led by at least one member of the Society; 

(c) Be approved by both the ERC Secretariat and the Committee, in accordance with the approval  process laid out in the ERC Handbook; 

(d) Be annually reviewed and reapproved by the Committee at the start of Michaelmas Term. 


(9) The Outreach Department shall be overseen by the Outreach Officer and be responsible for:

(a) Building relationships with external groups and organisations to further the objective of the  Society; 

(b) Working with the Publicity Officer to promote the work of the ERC and communicate with  potential stakeholders; 

(c) Working with the Junior Treasurer to secure sponsorship for the Society or its projects. 


(10) The Project Management Department shall be overseen by the Project Management Officer and shall:

(a) Oversee the work of each ERC Project, including: 

(i) Providing a point of contact for Project Leads and project members;  

(ii) Tracking the progress of projects, and ensuring they achieve their stated goals and are in  line with the objectives of the Society; 

(iii) Ensuring the Project Leaders produce regular progress reports of their projects and  presenting progress reports at ERC Secretariat meetings; 

(iv) Produce a termly report on the status of every ERC project to be presented to the ERC  Secretariat and the Committee. 

(b) Work with the Junior Treasurer to meet the financial needs of each project.

Annex C
Annex B
Annex A
Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Anchor 4
Anchor 5
Anchor 6
Anchor 7
Anchor 8
Anchor 9
Anchor 10
Anchor 11

This webpage is displaying the Constitution of CUUNA as of the 16th of March, 2021

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